Team Success Podcast Don't Burn Bridges

Don’t Burn Bridges

When someone leaves your company, that’s it, right? Once they’re out the door, the relationship’s over. Or is it? In this episode, Shannon talks about the advantage of keeping an abundance mindset and remembering that, as Dan Sullivan says, “People do things for their reasons, not for your reasons.” She explains how handling endings graciously[…]

The Visionary’s Visionary: Dan Rogers

The Visionary’s Visionary: Dan Rogers

Serial entrepreneur Dan Rogers knows his place: the future. Whether he’s a week, a month, or a year ahead in creating the vision of an organization, he knows he needs collaborative partners to send insights back to—people with the talents and perspectives to make his ideas real in the present. In this episode, Shannon and[…]

Establish And Protect Your Time Boundaries

Establish And Protect Your Time Boundaries

“Distributed work” and “work-from-home” have turned our lives into an endless game of attention span Whack-A-Mole. So in this episode, Shannon explains why it’s so important to take charge of your own time and attention—giving yourself protected periods to think, to produce, and to unwind. She walks you through Strategic Coach’s Entrepreneurial Time System and[…]

The Right Assistant Is A Superpower, with Ryan Cassin & Steven Neuner

The Right Assistant Is A Superpower, with Ryan Cassin & Steven Neuner

Many entrepreneurs agonize over hiring an executive assistant and put it off as long as they can, despite knowing that their growth and freedom depend on it. That’s where Ryan Cassin and Steven Neuner’s company Superpowers ( comes to the rescue, custom matching successful entrepreneurs with the right work-from-home, U.S.-based executive assistant. In this episode,[…]

How To Keep Great People

How To Keep Great People

In The Strategic Coach® Program, entrepreneurs discover that they have a lot more freedom than they’d imagined. But that’s true for the team members in an entrepreneurial business too. In this episode, Shannon describes “The Four Freedoms” that are the key to finding and keeping really great people.

Attracting Talent With Marketing

Attracting Talent With Marketing

Are you looking for new and better ways to attract great talent to your team? In this episode, Shannon shows you how to take the capabilities you already use with your clientele and apply them to attract phenomenal new team members. This is crucially important now, during the current “Great Resignation,” when employees have a[…]

Meet Your Newest Teammate: AI, with Evan Ryan

Meet Your Newest Teammate: AI, with Evan Ryan

It’s not that team members don’t want to do hard work—they do. But they want to do meaningful hard work. This is where AI can help—not as a buzzwordy technological magic wand, but simply as a teammate whose specialty is taking on the repetitive, time-consuming tasks that prevent people from making their best contribution and[…]

Team Success Podcast-Betting On Yourself_ep195

Betting On Yourself

Do you bet on yourself? How can you know what’s the best bet for your capabilities, skills, and mindsets? In this episode, Shannon shares some great tools for getting to know yourself better, and some powerful questions to ask, so you can determine which opportunities offer the biggest payoffs for your unique qualities.

Jayson Lowe's Six-Week Sabbatical

Jayson Lowe’s Six-Week Sabbatical

In July of 2021, Jayson Lowe drove away from his businesses and didn’t return for six weeks. As Dan Sullivan says, “You never know how good your team is until you leave.” By giving his team an opportunity to run things themselves, Jayson confirmed how very good they were. Not only did he enjoy irreplaceable[…]